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David Duke still trying to humiliate and stain Donald Trump post election at huge right-wing rally in Virginia and considers running against Trump on 2020

Tony Miselli
Money speak
  David Duke made sure to make a media appearance in the alt-right rally in Charlotsville, Virginian because as I have always said David Duke is a paid hack getting money form the democratic Party. Mr Duke made mention that trump voters were rallying in this right-wing rally and for all we know
Davis Duke may be an extreme undercover leftist like Michael Moore and Thom Hartmann knowing full well his brand can be used to taint Donald Trump and the Republicans. David duke and his former affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan ran headlines some thirty different days during the 2016 election as Democrats ruthlessly tried to smear Donald Trump's name with identification with this David Duke. ther eis alot of money into being a neo-Confederate speak and power that comes with it by associating oneself with a politician they don't like but support in order to make them look bad.
David Duke still has it in for Donald Trump traveling and organizing these rallies which he knows full-well the progressives will attach and label the Trump administration. David Duke has gotten so confident and is enjoying the ride and free money from the DNC that he might just challenge Donald Trump in the Republican primary in 2020 accomplishing additional goals of attaching his Klan history and name brand to both trump and Republicans alt-right rallies are freaking out the liberals and helping the alt-right leaders names to get bigger and Duke is once again right in the middle. whether he is working for himself or the Democratic establishment is not known as he knows that his presence can only be used by the left-wing media to hurt and attack Donald Trump's presidency and if he really wants to take back the country he should run for president of either the United states or the new confederacy.

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