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High Street Designs: Fabulosity Scotland

Fabulosity Scotland is an online designer I've discovered, who make dresses, anarkalis and replicas at low prices, which I was quite impressed with and thought was a good choice for those who want pretty outfits without breaking the bank.

I like the fact that the prices of the outfits are very reasonable (the plainer maxi dresses range from £60 - £75), and that the outfits only take around three weeks to make, which is handy too. I've emailed them for ideas a couple of times and the designers were quite quick to respond. Here are just a few examples of their cheaper outfits:

I also like the fact that their heavier (and slightly) pricier outfits are still very reasonable, the most expensive I've seen so far are these two below which are £150 and still very pretty. The company is willing to do some replicas too, although I think their signature style at the moment is long maxi dresses and also the use of lace too, which is quite popular.

I haven't got any plans to order from Fabulosity anytime soon (as I don't need anything yet!), but I do think they are a really good option, they're not too expensive and the options available are quite broad. They do have a pop-up shop in Glasgow, for anyone who is able to visit, where you can buy their ready-made things, and it's worth a look at their dresses. It's also great for anyone who wants to go for a simpler look, or even a fusion style, as the maxi dresses look quite stylish yet modest. I'd like to order something from them soon (when the right occasion arises!), and have been keeping an eye on their designs.

Have any of you purchased from here? What did you think?

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