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McDonald's South Beach, Miami + McDCouture

Myself, along with Annie, Steffy & Daniela were asked by McDonald's to be guest judges at a really cool and creative event that took place last week.  The McDonald's on Lincoln road has been totally revamped; the store has recently undergone a huge renovation where they have completely redone the design. There are digital menus, new flooring, tables, chairs, and expanded seating areas to accommodate the South Beach crowds.

Students from Miami International University of Art & Design (which will always be the Art Institute, to me) were asked to design outfits using mostly McDonald's wrappers, paper goods and cartons.

The creativity the students displayed was incredible.  They really outdid themselves.  Everyone worked so hard on their designs, and it showed.  I could not believe how these guys were able to conceptualize gowns, skirts, and hats out of the yellow cheeseburger wrapper used in a Happy Meal.  It was so fun to watch and judge.

After quite a bit of deliberation amongst us judges, we decided on look number 5 as our winner, with look number 1 coming in a close second.

At the Judging table: Annie myself and Daniela 

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