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Products I Want To Use Up: Update #3

It's been about three months since my last update, so I thought it was about the right time to do another one. Especially as I've finished quite a few products! I also wanted to get started on a couple of new ones in decent time before the year ends. To compare the two posts and see my progress, or if you haven't read the last update you can go here.

In my last update I decided to "downsize" this project to "just" ten items at a time, having previously done 14. Out of the ten I choose to add or continue on from last time I've finished a total of three, and I'm tossing one. I've taken the pictures of the products as similar to last time as possible to make it easier to compare between the two.

First off are two of the eyeshadows. I finished Stila Kitten ( here ). Finally! I absolutely love the colour and would consider buying it some time in the future, the only reason I wanted to finish it was because it had broken and would get absolutely everywhere.

Chanel's Lotus ( here ) has a lot of progress as I've started using it as a highlighter. It's actually a really good highlighter - it's very subtle and works perfectly with my skintone. I'm surprised it's not gone already to be honest, as I've used it everyday for almost the entire three months. I have to admit I'm getting a bit sick of it now, but also really want to finish it so I'm sticking with almost daily use, for now.

Finishing a blush was always going to be a huge challenge, but as far as blushes go Chanel's Espiegle ( discontinued ) is on the easier side. It's very versatile as it is very subtle, but can be built up. As much as I am getting somewhat sick of using the same blush every day, I'm also quite ok with it. I'm not seeing huge progress with it, but definitely some. It's very flat and I'm starting to make a bit of a dent, but this is no doubt going to come with me into the new year.

A product that's really close to being done is the YSL Rouge Volupte Perle ( limited edition - also; there's no number or shade name on the packaging so I don't know what it's called). I'd say this has about 3 days left of use, so it will definitely be finished by the next update.

I've used the Chantecaille Just Skin Tinted Moisturiser ( here ) a bit. I've used it about 3 weeks total I think. I could've used it more, but I'm making steady progress and I can see a difference so I'm ok with using it a bit less. I absolutely love the product and as long as I finish it by the end of the year I'm happy. Which I think I'll do - I'd guesstimate about 2-3 weeks use left if used every day.

I've finished two powders - two! Both were absolute favourites of mine, so it's definitely bittersweet, but it's fun nonetheless. First off I finished the incredible Wulong Meteorites Pressed Powder by Guerlain ( limited edition ). After I hit pan on this it started crumbling so it was a bit difficult to use towards the end, but I did make sure to use every last bit of it. I'm sad it's gone, but I've got my fingers crossed Guerlain will release another limited edition Pressed Meteorites Powder, which I'm pretty sure they will. At least now I can buy that with a clean conscience!

Hourglass' Ambient Lighting Powder in Diffused Light ( here) is my absolute favourite powder. I've already got a backup of this lurking in my drawer, which was why I really wanted to finish what little I had left. After going through the whole thing I still love it just as much, which is saying a whole lot for how fantastic this is.

Now for three staples in these posts. First off I'll start talking about the Mac Painterly Paint Pot ( here ). For those of you that read my empties posts you'll already have seen this in my September Empties. Even though this is just the same in texture, feel and performance as it's always been, I realised I hadn't actually smelled it. So I did, and realised that this has gone way off. Obviously I decided to get rid of it and so I did. I've moved onto my Tom Ford Eye Duo Primer which is now the only eye primer I have.

My Mac shadows; Omega and Romp ( here ) have seen some use, but not consistent. This is on purpose though as forcing myself to use the same eyeshadows day in and day out makes me miserable. Though I'd certainly wish to have made more progress on these, I'm still happy with the fact that I am using them more than any other. I don't see them being finished by the end of the year, but by next years end - definitely!

Now for the items I'm adding. There are four going in as there are four going out.

First off I have my favourite foundation - the Armani Lasting Silk UV Foundation ( here ). This only have a bit left, and I bought a backup already a few months back that I've never got round to using as I never finished this bottle. The main reason I've still got some left is honestly as I make myself not wear it everyday, so finishing this shouldn't be very hard as I obviously love it. I've got about 1/4 left, just above where the writing is.

The next product should be familiar to any of you that read my 'Finish 5 By Fall' posts - it's the Estee Lauder Double Wear Stay-in-Place Flawless Wear Concealer ( here ). I didn't quite finish this during that challenge, so I've decided to add what's left to this project instead. I've not got much left, but a little of this goes a long way so we'll see how long it takes. It's just below the where the squared golden Estee Lauder logo so there's not much at all.

I've decided to add a primer to the project. The Clarins Instant Smooth Self Tanning Primer ( here ) is a self-tanning primer with a thicker silicone feel. It's a great idea and a great product, the reason I never end up using it is that I always use SPF and, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see how self-tanner on top of SPF work all that well. I'll give it a whirl to finish it up though, and perhaps I'll find it works just as well. I've got quite a bit left of this, but less than it looks. I'd say a little over half.

Finally I have an old Mac product, but one I love dearly; a Mac Tendertone in Hot 'N' Saucy ( limited edition ). I've made sure to smell this and made sure it's still fine though it is starting to be a bit old which is why I want to finish it. I absolutely love the natural glossy tinted look I get with this, so finishing this wont be a problem at all, I think. I've also had my eye on the RMS Lip Shine in Sacred for ages, but haven't bought it due to having this. So when I finish this I'll finally buy that as a bit of a reward (and encouragement).


So there you have it! A few of these I think I'll definitely have finished by the end of the year, some I'm hoping for, and the rest I highly doubt. Either way, this is a fun way to focus on a few products and making a bit more progress on them than I would've otherwise. I'm hoping I'll get to do updates a bit more frequently than just every three months, but with exams kicking off in just a few weeks and continuing almost up until christmas eve I don't want to make any promises. I will however pick up a few things from the christmas collections, so you'll have a few posts on those items to look forward to in the coming weeks! 

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